On Saturday, Feb 28th, community members & volunteers came out to Paiko Lagoon & Wildlife Sanctuary to remove invasive pickle weed (ʻakulikulikai) and to plant native coastal plants adjacent to the lagoon.
Native ʻAkulikuli (a succulent type coastal plant), naupaka kahakai, Pōhinahina, Nehe, 'Ilima, Naio, 'Ohai, Maiapilo & Pāʻū o Hiʻiaka were some of the types of native plants that were re-introduced to the area.
There are some nice areas of Pōhuehue vines (Beach Morning-Glory) growing on the adjacent beach area. Pōhuehue vines were used to drive fish into nets. Also, roots, stems & leaves were used as a medicine but could be poisonous in large quantities (Hawaiian Dictionay - Pukui/Elbert). The ʻAkiʻaki grass (Seashore Rush Grass) is also abundant in this area. ʻAkiʻaki is a coarse grass that grows on sandy beach type areas and was used to exorcise spirits (Hawaiian Dictionay - Pukui/Elbert).
Big mahalo to The Nature Conservancy, Mālama Hawaiʻi, International Year of the Reef (IYOR) & The Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority (HTA) for organizing & funding the event including purchasing of plants & tools. Also, the State Division of Forestry crew who came out to support the effort and the growing of the plants by Hui Kū Maoli Ola.
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