Just a couple of pictures shot today while returning from a job on the Koʻolau side of Oʻahu. I stopped to shop in Kailua at a place near the Hamakua wetlands. Saw an ʻAlae ʻUla (Common Moorhen - bottom) and an ʻAukuʻu (Black-Crowned Night-Heron - top) at close range. The Hamakua wetlands are a good place to view wetland type birds native to Hawaii.
The ʻAukuʻu is often seen in Maunalua in the canals behind Kuapa pond. I have not seen the ʻAlae ʻUla in Maunalua though. Often the Aeʻo (Hawaiian Stilt) is seen in Maunalua around the pond areas and also in Kamiloiki Park.
The Hamakua wetlands are very much like what the wetlands of Maunalua and Kūapa pond looked like before Hawaii Kai was developed (below).
If you have not already noticed, the Kōlea (Golden Plover) has returned within the last couple of weeks. Also, the ʻŪlili (Wandering Tattler) should be returning also at this time. You can often see ʻŪlili around Kuliʻouʻou Beach Park (on the beach) and around the Paiko Lagoon area.
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